Which fruit and vegetables can be eaten with the skin on?

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Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet. They contain vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for the body and have a positive effect on it.

These nutrients are not only found in the flesh of the fruit but also in the skin. However, most people peel their food because they are afraid of too many harmful substances, pesticides, or other unhealthy residues and waste many healthy substances in the process. To make sure you don’t miss out on any more vitamins in the future, we have listed which fruits and vegetables you can safely eat with the peel on.

If you peel ginger, you lose important ingredients such as acetylsalicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic substance that is mainly used in medicine. The unassuming tuber also contains essential oils, magnesium, iron, calcium, gingerol, and vitamin C. Especially when preparing ginger shots or tea, it is not necessary to remove the peel. But be careful: older ginger tubers should be peeled, as the peel often tastes bitter.

Kohlrabi scores highly with its low carbohydrate content and high fiber content. The tuber is also considered a vitamin package, as it provides vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and folic acid. The skin of kohlrabi is usually very firm, thick, and fibrous, which makes it easier to peel. However, in the case of small kohlrabi tubers with tender and thin skin, the skin can also be eaten.

The skin can also be left on the garlic. It contains the healthy active ingredients of the cloves in concentrated form. Up to six different antioxidants, which protect the heart and blood vessels and have a rejuvenating effect, are said to be found in the skin. Garlic peel is also a record holder for its pectin and quercetin content, the latter of which is said to protect against allergies and have a mood-lifting effect in cases of depression. Pectin substances, on the other hand, cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and remove excess fluid from the body.

The outer skin and peel of onions contain a lot of fiber and even more antioxidants than the inner layers. They have a vascular-protective and anti-cancer effect. The onion skin is also particularly rich in quercetin. It contains sulphur compounds that have a probiotic effect and therefore promote healthy intestinal bacteria.

Some varieties of avocado are also edible with the skin on. As with kohlrabi, the thick, hard skin should not be eaten because it is extremely bitter. Varieties with a thin and soft skin, on the other hand, can be eaten whole. Although the skin is not particularly tasty, it is high in antioxidants. These are good for the cells because they protect them from free radicals, which cause aging and a variety of diseases like cancer.

Yes, even bananas can be eaten with the skin on. Simply cut away the stem and the black end. The banana peel contains large amounts of potassium, vitamin B6, and B12 – this has a positive effect on the heart and nervous system. If you don’t want to chew on the peel, you can simply add it to your smoothie.

Even if the small hairs on the skin of the kiwi might suggest otherwise, it can be eaten without hesitation. The kiwi skin contains healthy fiber, cell-protecting flavonoids, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also said to protect against allergies. However, the hard ends of the fruit should be removed before eating.

Watermelons, in particular, are edible whole. The ingredients, such as the essential amino acid citrulline, have a positive effect on blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. They also counteract arteriosclerosis and promote muscle regeneration and development. It is also said that the light green parts, in particular, stimulate the libido.

  • source: freizeit.at/picture: pixabay.com
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